In many developed countries, a fever called automated driving and electro-mobility is rampant with among others wireless intercommunicating vehicles. For most Africans, this sounds like science fiction.
But what about wireless intercommunicating houses in Africa? Sounds crazy? We do not believe that! It rather sounds like incredible possibilities and is technically feasible with today available and especially affordable and reliable technology. And that is exactly what we have in mind!
Our Smarthome solutions directly address people’s basic needs and everyday problems while still linking seamlessly into the vision of automatically intercommunicating houses for the welfare of their residents. Like the used cars from developed countries for the affordable mobility Today, the import of used high-tech electro cars batteries (after their use in electric cars) could play in the future a central role for the technical development of developing countries as backup for the desolate infrastructure for power supply. However, this requires that a reasonable and locally applicable solution for the disposal of such batteries is found.
For developing countries, the biggest boon of digitization as the fourth industrial revolution is the very low entry threshold. Everyone knows how well-made apps can sometimes make everyday life much more comfortable and easier. Meanwhile, the cashless electronic payment of many digital services is common practice in many developing countries. We also have some exciting ideas for service apps!
The leap from the agricultural to the industrial economy, which the developing countries must achieve one day, is and will stay a very protracted process, especially in the context of globalization characterized by an increasing competition pressure. A least a little alleviation of the hard physical efforts of the agricultural fieldwork as well as the professionalization of the planning and use of resources with digitization (especially for small farmers) is our clear target here. Our concept cleverly combines the use of tailored simple, affordable technical equipment with a data’s capturing, recording, and evaluating app.
Mountain and history tourism
Alpine mass tourism in Africa. No joke?! That will be the reaction of many people. Basically understandable reaction. But has not everybody deserved the right of a bit of regeneration, especially within the nature close to the living environment? This applies even more to countries with scarce domestic tourism. To lure people in these countries (at first the slowly increasing middle class in the bursting cities) with the help of technical and playful means into the nature represents for us a worthwhile and economically promising target and we have an exciting concept.
Our mission
Even poor people in poor countries deserve some daily comfort.
Our approach
The new combination of proven products and solutions in developed countries to new creative products, precisely tailored to the needs of the targeted markets guarantees a high technical standard at locally affordable prices.
Our unique selling point
We devise and develop needs-based hardware, enrich them with a diversified array of applications (mostly digital services), and invite local third-party Programmers to develop more applications, consolidating on that way our market position.
In the best case, this could become a kind of Africa wide digital services market (thanks to the limitless Internet and the rapid spread of electronic cash).
Our dream
In the case of an continuously increasing demand development for our products and with a strong industrial partner at our side, we would be able to at least partially localize the manufacturing of mechanical components as well as the final assembly in an African country.
Our vision
Neighborly intercommunicating houses and micro-infrastructure islands for the welfare of their residents!
The goal behind is much less the technology itself but the resulting reduction of infrastructural deficits and this directly serves our mission.